057 - The Attributes of God - The Sovereignty of God
As we move in week 6 of our attributes of God series, Dr. Phil Allen joins us to chat about God's sovereignty. For many, this can be...

056 - Pastor Appreciation Month
This month is pastor appreciation month so we interrupt our series on the attributes of God for a chat between Ray Jewell and I about...

055 - The Attributes of God - the Supremacy of God
This episode brings us into week five of our study of the attributes of God. Dr. Tim Johnson, the pastor of Rock Valley Chapel in Beloit,...

054 - The Attributes of God - The Foreknowledge of God
This is part four of our look at the attributes of God. This week Pastor Aaron White of the This is part four of our look at the...

053 - Bonus Ep! Donald Trump is Not My Savior
We interrupt our regular scheduled series on the attributes of God to give you this special bonus episode! Dr. Michael L. Brown, host of...

052 - The Attributes of God: The Knowledge of God
This week we jump right in to our third episode on the attributes of God. Pastor James White of the Lighthouse Community Church in...