052 - The Attributes of God: The Knowledge of God
This week we jump right in to our third episode on the attributes of God. Pastor James White of the Lighthouse Community Church in...
051 - The Attributes of God - The Decrees of God
This week we cover chapter two of A.W. Pink's the Attributes of God, the Decrees of God. What are God's eternal decrees and how do they...
050 - The Attributes of God - The Solitariness of God
I am very excited to begin this new, 17-part series on the attributes of God. The purpose of our study is explore how God has revealed...
049 - Cobra Kai and Sanctification
Get ready to geek out on some sound theology! In the fight against sin, too many Christians take a passive role not realizing the all-war...
048 - Gender Roles in the Church: The Great Debate
This is our third and final segment in our series concerning gender roles in the church. In this wrap-up, Ray Jewell and I discuss our...
047 - Gender Roles in the Church: Complementarianism
This is our second segment in our three part series concerning gender roles in the church. This week we cover the complementarian view...
046 - Gender Roles in the Church: Egalitarianism
This week Ray Jewell and I begin a three week series concerning gender roles within the church. This first week we discuss the...
045 - Spirit and Truth
Join us this week for a spur of the moment interview with Les Lanphere of the Reformed Pubcast and the wildly popular documentary...
044 - Pneumatology
This week I'm excited to have Dr. Michael Horton on the podcast. Dr. Horton is the host of the White Horse Inn, the editor of Modern...
Episode 043 - Unpacking Forgiveness
This week on the podcast we chat about the difficult concept of forgiveness. By definition forgiveness must include some degree of hurt...