056 - Pastor Appreciation Month
This month is pastor appreciation month so we interrupt our series on the attributes of God for a chat between Ray Jewell and I about...

052 - The Attributes of God: The Knowledge of God
This week we jump right in to our third episode on the attributes of God. Pastor James White of the Lighthouse Community Church in...

Episode 042 - Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the KJV
The King James Version is a beloved translation of the Bible still used by many Christians despite the fact that it was originally...

041 - Bible Translations
*NOTE* - This episode has been updated as the previous file failed to save correctly producing an episode that only contained under 3...

035 - Fundamentalism, Part 1
This week our topic is Fundamentalism. Our guest is Pastor Josh Teis of the Southern Hills Baptist Church in Las Vegas. Josh and I...

034 - From Death to Life
This part two of an interview with Pastor Allen Nelson about his book, From Death to Life: How Salvation Works. In this segment we...

032 - Gnosticism
There is nothing new under the sun. Even many of the problems and false teachings plaguing the church today are nothing more than a few...

029 - Together for the Gospel, Part 1
Together for the Gospel began as the brainchild of preachers Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler and Ligon Duncan. Since 2006 T4G ...

027 - How Salvation Works, Part 1
This episode features a sneak peak into a new book that has yet to officially come out - From Death to Life: How Salvation Works by...

026 - The Family
This week Pastor Adam Meyer (pastor of the Beloit Family Worship Center) and I chat about the family as he and I both gear up for the...