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029 - Together for the Gospel, Part 1

Together for the Gospel began as the brainchild of preachers Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler and Ligon Duncan. Since 2006 T4G has been a cross-denominational conference featuring expository preaching, phenomenal singing and tons of free books, all from a Reformed perspective, attracting over 10,000 people. This year was the first year I was able to attend thanks to a free ticket that came my way. In appreciation of this, I recorded three different episodes focused on the conference. In this first episode I chatted with my travel buddy, Pastor Jeremy Scott of the Memorial Baptist Church in Verona, WI. We chatted about conferences in the past (Jeremy has been to all of them since 2008), what we were expected and then wrapped things up talking about the celebrity preacher culture and the importance of the local church.

Recommended Resources

Preaching the Cross by Mark Dever


This week I will be giving away one of these resources to 9 listeners.

The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul

Devotional Doctrine by Aaron Armstrong

Gospel Threads by David Platt The Prayer that Turned the World Upside Down by Al Mohler

The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney

The New City Catechism by Tim Keller

Sovereign Grace Music Sampler CD

All you need to do to enter is simply share one of these special T4G episodes on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #BasicBibleT4G. Every time you use that hashtag will give you an additional entry. The more times you share, the more entries you get. At the end of the week I will draw these entries from a hat on Facebook live to decide who gets the books!

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